At last.... the Great Blog Famine of May 2007 has passed. Pat's wedding prompted me to action. That's right... allow me to introduce you all to Patrick and Katherine Shuckerow:
They're going to have some beautiful Korean/Irish/Russian babies, don't you agree??
Our own Mr. Shuckerow has officially left the Beebe/Gulley Brotherhood for the greener pastures of wedded bliss. He shall be missed. But we didn't let him go without one last man-hug...

The Beebe/Gulley guys, minus Grant, Father Dane, and Teacher Ryan ("Lyon")
And, of course, no wedding would be complete without some groovin' moves... epic battle or two (that's me in the tux vest)....
...and a few familiar, friendly, fresh, freakishly fabulous faces.
Speaking of weddings.... Grant did some Hitching of his own a few weeks back. A few of us were able to road-trip it up for the big day.
Grant and Brittney got married in this old mansion that we're pretty sure must be haunted. We went wandering in the bowels of the building.... and we lost Mark when Dave got a little exited with an executioner's axe.
Enjoying a round of Uno Splash at Dave's house
That's not all, folks... click here, if you dare, for more photos from two very radical weddings.
PS -- For those still waiting patiently for more Honduras awesomeness.... fear not. Good things come to those who wait.....