My honey came and visited me over spring break.... Between tux fittings, gift registering, house-hunting, and budget-making, we still had a chance to get out and enjoy some fresh Colorado air, starting with some miniature golf:

The course had a "Colorado Journey" theme... ranging from the Garden of the Gods (above), to the Eisenhower Tunnel:

At the time, we thought it was a cave. Ergo, we're cavemen.

And, for some reason, bodybuilders.

Later in the week, we went hiking in the Flatirons outside of Boulder, to one of the "summits" in this series of mini-peaks.

That's as far as I could make it after setting the camera timer...

Dad gave me "Moose Tracks" for Christmas (basically, tire chains for your shoes), and I finally got to put them to use (the trail was pretty icy in spots)... we had just one pair, though, so we each only got one.

Hey! Look what I found in the forest!!!

We also took some "official" engagement photos for invitations and such... I'd set the camera timer, run over, and try to look natural...

...often unsuccessfully.

Kitchen glamor shots turned out better.
Hoping for a better background, we stopped at a nearby park, and I continued the set-timer-and-run routine, resulting in a series of very awkward shots.

The Prom Pose.

The Hunchback Boyfriend.

The awkward elbow-squeeze.

The Fiendish Smile shot.

And, finally, something a little more acceptable. :)
What a fun spring break! If it's any consolation, Eva-Lynn looks gorgeous in ALL the shots. :)
I KNOW! She looked great in all of them... I just had to get *my* act together! :)
Aww! I love that last shot!
The last shot is great.
Actually, my favorite is "awkward elbow"... it just shines character.
also... in other news... i was watching "He-man" on youtube and discovered that one of his enemies is named "Evil-Lyn"... hmmm... watch your back Travis, I mean He-man.
But love conquers all so I guess you're good to go.
Those awkward photos were AMAZING!! I am laughing SO hard. I don't think I can pick a favorite ... they are equally awkward. Incredible! Thank you for posting them :) And I agree that Eva-Lynn looks gorgeous in every single picture on your blog ... even during the prom pose and elbow squeeze!
Well fer cryin' out loud! Jackson was totally in town during spring break, and we even went up to Boulder. I would have brought my camera and taken engagement photos of you all, and we could have gone snowshoeing together! You could have come to my Tiki BBQ I had in honor of Jackson's visit! Shoulda, coulda, woulda... :)
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