Sunday, September 10, 2006

So long, Pops...

After two frenzied weeks, three countries, and several hundred (thousand, maybe?) miles of travel, Dad´s time down here finally ran out. Besides some quick sightseeing in a few Peruvian cities and a ridiculous amount of souvenir shopping, all that remained was a visit to some Incan ruins near Cusco.

You might recognize this sacrificial chamber from an earlier post (June 24).... It was in this very spot that I ceremonially offed Nic with the sacred Incan banana, shortly after we tamed the fearsome Incan Guard Beast. Incidentally, this time Dad and I encountered the same IGB... I´m happy to report he was as tame as ever.

The stonework at some of these ruins is pretty phenomenal... somehow the Incan engineers, with just hand tools and lots of labor, managed to chisel the stones so that they´d fit together perfectly, like a massive (a very massive) 3D jigsaw puzzle.

In most places, the seams between the rocks are so tight you can´t fit a piece of paper between them... In a few places, though, you can fit significantly larger objects.

At the Incan wall, with a handmade traditional native cap, I felt I could pass as an average Incan citizen. Just ignore the red beard and pasty white complexion.

Dad, though, was adamant that the modern t-shirt just didn´t fit, and insisted on a more authentic shot.

Nic left me, my own father left me... now who will I take crazy photos with?


katie said...

your life is filled with adventure travis lund. mine is not. your blogs never fail to inspire me.

Jael said...

You look like your dad. That last picture is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

your dad has a far away look in his eyes since returning home. maybe he is frozen in time? i'll keep you posted....

Jael said...

I heard you were back home, does that mean the postings have ended???