Friday, February 08, 2008

Three "Firsts"

Three all-time, personal firsts:

1) I pulled three all-nighters this week... Sunday night, Tuesday night, Thursday night. I don't remember ever pulling that many in a week before, even at Fox. It was a busy week. And good time management isn't exactly one of my strengths. Pulling off good projects at the last second might become one of my strengths, at this rate...

2) One of the all-nighters was on campus at CU, in my research lab... before that, they had always been in the comfort of my own apartment, with food and shower readily available. Instead, I was physically in the chemistry building for two solid days, Thursday morning to Friday night... and boy, it's no Hilton. There's not a single couch or carpeted surface in the whole place. I know, I looked.

3) Three blog posts in three days? Unheard of!!! I'm more of a once-every-ten-days sort of a blogger.

Come to think of it, pulling off three records in a week is something of a record in itself... does that make four?

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