Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Will You Be Mine?

We had a really awesome, fun-yet-relaxing Valentine's Day weekend this year....

We kicked it off by sleeping in until noon (ok, until after noon... sleeping in is one of our rare pleasures...), followed by some very specially shaped pancakes, courtesy of Chef Lund. (Hint: not me.)

Proving that she really knows her game-geek husband, Eva-Lynn got me a sweet board game for Valentine's Day.... We'd recently played a related game, India Rails, with some friends, and we both really liked it. Hence.... Australian Rails!

You get to draw right on the game board with dry-erase markers. Very cool.

(Incidentally, I proved that I really know my wife by giving her gift certificates to buy herself lots of CLOTHES for Valentine's Day. And by helping her track down her favorite only-available-between-Valentine's-Day-and-Easter candy. I'm the MAN. :)

Sunday morning we headed up to Eldora (a nearby ski resort) for a very successful "first" day of snowboarding for Eva-Lynn. She had been snowboarding once before, but it was years ago, in Oregon. This was her first trip with me, in Colorado.... and she did great!!! I was very impressed. :)

First time up the lift!

Umm, so, we can take this green run, or that green run.... hmmm, they're all green....

Sunday night we visited my brother's church, and finished off another game of Australian Rails. In the end, we had a really awesome weekend together. Sorry, guys.... hate to tell you, but I've definitely got the coolest wife on the planet. In your FACE! :)


Charissa said...

I think Chad would say he has the coolest wife on the planet! But Eva-Lynn is awfully cool! love you guys and miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Watch it son, your skatin on thin ice! My wife (your MOM) is the COOLEST!! DAD

Anonymous said...

I love your blog - you two are so perfect together - a strange mix. Once again, great photos Travis! And beautiful, loving pancakes Eva-Lynn. Very fun post! Of course, I can't wait for the next one.

ryan said...

ummm... the pancake... it's got a hole in the heart... what is that supposed to mean?

and i must disagree... my wife is the coolest in the world... that's right, because she's imaginary...

good to hear you guys haven't stopped with the awesome adventures. keep up the good work.

Sarah said...

Outstanding way to create the perfect Valentines Day. You two ROCK. Love the pancake picture. And the game, and the clothes, and the candy… you’re so on it! :)