Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March Forth!

That's right! The time has come, once again, for that very special day... the only day on the calendar that's a command.... Happy birthday, me! I actually turned a quarter-century old this year.... (I'm OLD!!!)

Here's a hodgepodge a photos from my birthday week....

Kirsten Green happened to be in town a couple days beforehand, for an interview at the University of Colorado business school. Kel stopped by, and we had a little pre-birthday Otter Pop Party. Another highlight of that night: a rousing game of Crescent City Trivia. (Questions included such stumpers as "What is the altitude of Crescent City?" and "What is Matt Hildebrandt's middle name?")

The lovely Chef Lund is at it again....

Birthday cupcakes!!!!

We had a bunch of friends over on Saturday for a game night (hence, all the cupcakes)..... Eva-Lynn got me Jungle Speed for my birthday (awesome game!!!!), so we got a few rounds of that in.....

Here I am indicating who's NUMBER ONE! (Me.)

(Jungle speed can be quite unruly.)

(Incidentally, the CC Trivia answers are "43 feet" and "Lee"....)


Sarah said...

Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday, Dear Travis...
Happy Birthday to You!

I'm totally going to have to look in to Jungle Speed. Sounds like a riot! :)

Anonymous said...

Did you get a book about the universe for your birthday? Chef Lund is kinda cute - looks like a chick. Hope you had a great birfday. Miss you both!