Wednesday, April 22, 2009

March Madness Group Photos!!!

So, if you haven't already heard, I passed my mega orals exam!!!  (See the previous post for a description of the horror....)  After properly celebrating, and then choosing to do absolutely nothing constructive with my brain for a few evenings, I've started going through all the photos from spring break (affectionately referred to as "March Madness").  I'll get the rest up soon, but tonight I grabbed a bunch of the best group shots and uploaded them to an online Picasa album. A few of my favorites are below... (OR check them out much bigger (and better!!!) at!!!)

Visiting Rocky Mountain National Park

Can you find all 9?

Yup, 9 of us in one 4Runner. It saved us entrance fees!!!

Red Rocks rockers.

Rocking out!!!

Still a band.... We're all playing a different instrument. I think Mark's playing his mouth.

After the Celestial Seasonings factory tour, sporting our spiffy hair (and beard) nets

Be bold!

I see one flower that doesn't want to blossom...

Ready for liftoff

Ready for sledding (after it snowed a foot and a half overnight)

Ready for cozy bookstores and pancakes!

More to come....


Jamie said...

CONGRATS on passing!!!!!!!!
YAY -- it's the Brethen and then some! Funny... it didn't occur to me until the 2nd or 3rd photo that all those familiar people are all together in COLORADO (not Oregon)!! You all just belong together, so seeing you all seemed so natural! What FUN!

Sarah said...

You gotta’ love Spring Break and Good Friends! Looks like you guys had a blast! :)

Sarah said...

Yes, and CONGRATS on passing the oral exams!!! That’s AWESOME! You’re going to get those initials after your name after all!

Father Dane said...


Good work on a successful get together. The next one is going to be in Seattle/Tacoma in the third week in July! Maybe...I know I will be there for sure!


Anonymous said...

Travis, I am soooooo impressed at how smart you are! You worked hare - but you're remarkably smart too. Fantastic job on getting over this hurdle. We loved seeing you two at Spring break. Your first year seems to be coming along well - nice work on that too. Love you both a whole bunch!