Thursday, January 24, 2008


The other day, in the spirit of procrastination, I googled myself. Jackpot. Try it yourself... type in Travis Lund.

The first link is a photo of me. It's amazing.
The second link is this blog. Pretty nifty.
The third link, if you don't use quotation marks (just type Travis Lund, not "Travis Lund"), is not me, but it is another Travis J. Lund.
The fourth link is an article about my chemistry research. Also nifty.

After that, there's a lot of not-me links. I've never been a boxer, cross-country runner, hunting dog trainer, sailing instructor, Chief Building Officer, or drummer/guitarist/mandolinist for the band Karmic Whiplash. I did find some more gems, though... some more chemistry stuff, and another classic photo:

Taken for the chem majors wall at Fox, shortly after the 70's Dance.

Apparently there's a town in Texas named Lund... which happens to be located in Travis County. I plan to visit someday, just to take pictures with the signs.

In the church world, there's also the Lund Principle. According to wikipedia, it affirms that churches should act together in all matters, unless deep differences of conviction compel them to act separately. Sounds like a good plan... "Let's work together, unless we don't get along."

Then, of course, there's Lund University in Lund, Sweden; Lund Boats; Lund car and truck accessories, etc, etc...

Enough procrastination. Back to homework. (Sigh.)

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