Saturday, June 24, 2006

Nic´s Side of the Story, Part I

Hi. This isn´t my blog, but considering the similarity of the word blog to bogsley, I thought I´d give it a try. Here goes nothin´:

Things I broke on my first day on my own in Ecuador:
- The very interesting guitar-looking thing hanging on the wall in my hostel.....this birthed a multi-minute conversation between me and the owner of the hostel......finally at the end of the conversation both of us realized I don't speak spanish.
- The very important main buckle on the front of my backpack....this birthed a multi-hour trip around Quito looking for a replacement. Ecuadorian backpacks seem to operate on a different buckle system then we do in the US.....they all seemed to be smaller. But I eventually found one that fit.......kind of......I had to tie one of the sides on.
-The plastic bag holding my only real food source: cliff bars. Fortunately their own individual wrapping has preserved their deliciousness.

Other things I've broken since then....
-wind.....numberous times. Fortunately in many sections of the big cities we've stayed in the smell was lost thanks to the helpful feral dog population.
-my dad's garmin etrex global positioning device. Haha. uh, yeah. I'm bidding on a replacement on ebay, dad.
-my jeans.....I guess I'm a little bigger than I was in high school.
-the roof of our hostel in Cusco, least that's what it sounded like as I crawled across it at 1am sneaking into the hostel we had been locked out of.
-my face....well, that's what it felt like when I got super super sunburned. I believe there is a super flattering picture of me sporting the burn in full glory on the blog already.
-my floss container........purposefully, because it angered me. Actually just because the floss got stuck on the inside.

--Nic Schneider

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