Monday, August 14, 2006

The Big (Argentinian) Apple... and Family.

Buenos Aires, I´ve discovered, is the New York of South America. Of course, I´ve never actually been to New York. Just seen it in lots of movies. But I´m sure that if I´d been to the Big Apple, I´d be reminded of it right now.

Buenos Aires has everything a big city should. Bright city lights, old buildings, a confusing subway system, its own Broadway... and lots of traffic moving by very quickly. Watch your step... pedestrians definitely don´t have the right of way down here.

The music and theatre scene, though, offers a nearly endless options for evening entertainment.... In five days, I managed to see three jazz shows, a Broadway musical (The Producers... in Spanish), a magician, a tap dance presentation, two tango shows, a dozen street bands, and a Catholic mass. Plus those hot summer hits, Superman Returns and Pirates of the Caribbean 2. (In English. I wimped out.)

Buenos Aires loves its tango... Here´s some street dancers, complete with live accompaniment.

In Buenos Aires, the street performers definitely don`t travel light... this tango troupe just wouldn´t be complete without their pianist. Not to mention the accordian section.

As I was heading out of Buenos Aires, I ran into a deranged, homeless sandwich salesman, who begged me to take him to Patagonia with me. In return, he said he could supply all the ham and cheese sandwiches I could ever eat. Being a huge fan of ham, I couldn´t bring myself to turn him down (after all, free food is free food).

(For those who don´t know... the grizzled nut case you see before you is, in reality, my father. He has joined me for the next seventeen days. Wish me luck...)


Anonymous said...

This is the most amazing blog I've ever seen/read in my entire life. It makes me miss you and want to travel really bad!

katie said...

i hope you enjoyed those sandwiches