Thursday, August 03, 2006


I´m a cowboy now... A gaucho, as they say down here. Why? I rode a horse. All day. Through the desert. Yee-haw!

Now, I´ve ridden a horse before. This time was different, though. Before, it was always one of those things where everyone just follows each other in a line, along a trail. You´re not really ¨steering¨ (no pun intended). Not this time. I got to drive, and the horse would listen. Most of the time. Also, we got to go fast. Very fast. As in, galloping. Yeah. I liked it. A lot.

Anyhow... we rode around all day, checked out some more amazing rock formations, forded the river a few times, then followed the train tracks back into town. I´m telling you, I felt like I was in some sort of western flick.

On the downside, I´m very tender in some very unusual places... only now do I truly understand the term ¨saddlesore.¨


Anonymous said...

Travis, you're having way too much fun. I think I'll join you! Meet me..Buenos Aires airport...August 14, 9:20 am... Continental flight# 51....Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

hey tj.....if you go to a beautiful tropical island with gently swaying palm trees, white sand beaches, warm tradewinds, sparkling turquoise water, and a nice hotel with room service.....let me know.......i'll join you!!!, mom