Friday, April 06, 2007

It's a Small World

(Note: as always, feel free to click on the photo to zoom in for a closer look... you could even go to the online album and watch the almost-full-screen slideshow....)

There are tons of geckos around here, scampering around and making weird bird-like chirping noises. They usually scatter whenever you flip on a light. I cornered this one on a windowsill.... I think he was distracted, admiring his reflection.

I managed to blind him with a flashlight long enough to get a mug shot. Incidentally, I haven't yet tried shooting one with a rubber band to see if it drops its tail, as Ryan alleges.

Jungle mushroom

As I sit in bed reading at the end of the night, my light tends to attract whatever bugs are in the room. I've started keeping a shoe and a camera handy... some bugs get squashed, others get "shot."

I let this guy live. Mosquitos receive no such mercy.

Check out this gal's hairy legs... she could definitely use a shave. And a diet, too... that little spider on the top left is around normal size, so the big spider is almost as big as your hand.

This little thing is stuck to the metal rail outside my room. It's the size of a pea, maybe a little smaller. Who made it? How? What lives inside? Some deadly, previously undiscovered creature from the depths of the jungle? A midget genie for pottery-lovers?


ryan said...

the size of that spider is amazing. in PNG they used to cook and eat spiders like that. they said the legs taste like popcorn and the body tastes like peanutbutter. i never got a chance to try one.

Father Dane said...

eating a spider is not going to way sucka!

katie said...

that is the most amazing and disgusting spider i have ever seen. it made me shiver to think about!

Unknown said...


Today in the office they were talking about the leeches (that Teresa is going to see if you want to take care of over the summer) and I showed them the huge spider. They thought it was cool, along with really gross. And as for Ryan saying the legs taste like popcorn...I think I will stick to the real thing. I would hate to ruin one of my favorite meals! ;) In fact, I think I will go have some right now...popcorn that is, not spider.