And now, for a long-overdue introduction.... (drum roll, please).... I give you... the Harmons!!! (cue trumpet fanfare). And, as an added bonus, you get to meet Grandma, who happened to be visiting for a week when this photo was taken.
From the left: Patty 1 (Tom's wife), Patty 2 (Tom's mom), Tom, Jesse, Peter
For those who don't know, the Harmons are a family from my church who are living down here in Honduras for several months. Tom is working in the hospital as an anesthetist:
... while Jesse and Peter get to spend a semester doing school in the jungle:
Patty and the kids have also gotten involved in various outreach ministries and hospital projects, including using a lensometer (no, I didn't make that up) to sort over 3,000 pairs of glasses for the eye clinic...
The Harmons are basically my adopted family down here. I live in the same building as them, I get rides with them to local churches and missionary get-togethers, I send my grocery list with them when they into town to go shopping, usually I eat dinner with them anyway... they even take me on some of their adventures. The other day we went on a quest across the Honduran countryside for the legendary Bambu Waterfall....
Our romp to get there took us through several little villages, a few river crossings, and many miles of muddy, potholed roads.

Tom plots his course... at one point water actually washed over the hood of the truck. Way cool.

Have burro, will travel.
Tom plots his course... at one point water actually washed over the hood of the truck. Way cool.
Have burro, will travel.
Interestingly, there didn't seem to be any bamboo anywhere near the Bamboo Waterfall, nor have I seen any in Honduras. The nearest village was named El Bambu, though.... what's up with that? Crazy Hondurans.
We youngsters went for a dip... as you can see, this was before the tragic demise of the waterproof camera.
Sorry, ladies.... he's unavailable. ;)
I think you must have accidentally slipped an arnold picture in there at the end. :)
the glasses picture is sweet. go nerds.
PS i don't think anyone wears contacts in korea. everyone wears glasses... it's about the style i guess. remember when pat used to wear those fake glasses?
Those glasses are awesome! I bet you are going to help me pick out a pair like those, huh? And whose the lucky lady? ;) I can't wait to see you in a couple weeks! Such a stud!
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