It's great to be an answer to prayer... even if that means you're the "computer geek" that people have been praying would come help Kenton. Hey, if the shoe fits...
My first week down here has been awesome. Basically, my job is helping people. People have problems, I fix them, and it totally makes their day. Most of the jobs are within the hospital itself... getting a computer to print from a network printer, installing software, working on much-needed hardware upgrades. Even better, though, are the "house calls"... going out to the homes of some of the missionary families and fixing their misbehaving home computers, or helping them install the new VOIP (voice-over-internet protocol) phones that the hospital staff are just getting set up with. You get to go out somewhere new, often meet new people, fix a problem that might have been plaguing them for weeks (like I said, Kenton is really swamped with requests and projects)... and often, they're so grateful that they insist I stay for lunch, or dinner, or at least have a nice glass of iced tea while I work.
I was actually a little bit nervous coming down to be the computer fix-it guy... I know a bit about computers, but I'm definitely no expert. It's gone really well, though... so far I've always been able to figure out what's wrong, or at least find the answer online (thank you, google!). I'm dreading that first time that there'll be some major problem that stumps me. Of course, I've always got the "I'll talk to Kenton and get back to you" escape route.
And, of course, between fix-it requests I'm still working on sorting through the shelf of old computers and finding stuff worth keeping. Except, it turns out there's not only a shelf of old computers, there's a whole attic area full of them... sort of a computer graveyard. There are at least a dozen up there, maybe two dozen. Some of them date back to the days of Pong and Space Invaders.... I feel like an archeologist, sorting through ancient relics. Every so often, though, I come across a computer worth keeping... it's like finding a toaster jumbled in with a bunch of stone tools and arrowheads.
My first week down here has been awesome. Basically, my job is helping people. People have problems, I fix them, and it totally makes their day. Most of the jobs are within the hospital itself... getting a computer to print from a network printer, installing software, working on much-needed hardware upgrades. Even better, though, are the "house calls"... going out to the homes of some of the missionary families and fixing their misbehaving home computers, or helping them install the new VOIP (voice-over-internet protocol) phones that the hospital staff are just getting set up with. You get to go out somewhere new, often meet new people, fix a problem that might have been plaguing them for weeks (like I said, Kenton is really swamped with requests and projects)... and often, they're so grateful that they insist I stay for lunch, or dinner, or at least have a nice glass of iced tea while I work.
I was actually a little bit nervous coming down to be the computer fix-it guy... I know a bit about computers, but I'm definitely no expert. It's gone really well, though... so far I've always been able to figure out what's wrong, or at least find the answer online (thank you, google!). I'm dreading that first time that there'll be some major problem that stumps me. Of course, I've always got the "I'll talk to Kenton and get back to you" escape route.
And, of course, between fix-it requests I'm still working on sorting through the shelf of old computers and finding stuff worth keeping. Except, it turns out there's not only a shelf of old computers, there's a whole attic area full of them... sort of a computer graveyard. There are at least a dozen up there, maybe two dozen. Some of them date back to the days of Pong and Space Invaders.... I feel like an archeologist, sorting through ancient relics. Every so often, though, I come across a computer worth keeping... it's like finding a toaster jumbled in with a bunch of stone tools and arrowheads.
The doctor is in.

I came around a corner yesterday and came upon this little dude. As he scampered across the hot concrete, he'd stop every few seconds, shake one of his feet as if it was getting too hot, go a few more inches, wiggle another foot.... he looked almost human. Except, of course, for the fact that he looks exactly like a lizard.
Travis, I'm so glad you're having excellent adventures again! I wish I could be having an excellent adventure and am, once again, jealous. However, I will be alright as long as you keep the good stories coming. Glad you made it safely!
Man, those lizards are so funny - always trying to keep their temperature under control! Glad to hear from you!
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