Speaking of which... Mark and Amy's wedding this weekend was spectacular!!! It was so great to see everyone again. I'll post some photos when I get my hands on some... I'm ashamed to say I only took a dozen photos over the weekend. This coming from the compulsive photography addict who usually takes hundreds of photos of any particular event. I was running around pretty frantically most of the time with best-man duties... but still. Shameful.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Speaking of which... Mark and Amy's wedding this weekend was spectacular!!! It was so great to see everyone again. I'll post some photos when I get my hands on some... I'm ashamed to say I only took a dozen photos over the weekend. This coming from the compulsive photography addict who usually takes hundreds of photos of any particular event. I was running around pretty frantically most of the time with best-man duties... but still. Shameful.
Monday, December 10, 2007
PhD... "Piled Higher and Deeper"
For example, I think many of us have been in this situation before (it happens to me about once a week):
One typical grad school event is the "group meeting"... each week your whole lab group gets together and someone gives an update on how their research is going. Then everyone tells them what they're doing wrong. It's often very painful. (As always, you can click on the image to make it bigger... sorry they're so small on here.)
I have definitely been the the first student on the left (twice now, all-nighters both times), and I am almost always the third student from the left (totally lost). I also often find myself thinking like the second and fourth students. I've never been the fifth student, because I always know exactly when and where there will be free food.
Finally, anyone who has lived with me will understand this one:
Instead of "going to bed," about a third of the time I fall asleep on the couch in my apartment, with the lights on, music playing, and papers spread around me. One time I slept all night with my laptop balanced on my chest.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Winter Wonderland Wanderings

The chemistry building. I pretty much live here.


I've been riding my bike to campus, but I wimp out when it's actually snowing. Other people are more dedicated. Our first-year Biochem Core course professor, for example. Occasionally he shows up at the last minute to teach our morning lecture -- wearing skin-tight, spandex bike pants. Sometimes he even grabs a button-up shirt and tucks it into the bike pants. I kid you not. Welcome to grad school... it's a whole new world in here.

Thursday, May 31, 2007
Gettin' Hitched
They're going to have some beautiful Korean/Irish/Russian babies, don't you agree??

The Beebe/Gulley guys, minus Grant, Father Dane, and Teacher Ryan ("Lyon")
And, of course, no wedding would be complete without some groovin' moves...
....an epic battle or two (that's me in the tux vest)....
...and a few familiar, friendly, fresh, freakishly fabulous faces.
Speaking of weddings.... Grant did some Hitching of his own a few weeks back. A few of us were able to road-trip it up for the big day.
Grant and Brittney got married in this old mansion that we're pretty sure must be haunted. We went wandering in the bowels of the building.... and we lost Mark when Dave got a little exited with an executioner's axe.
Enjoying a round of Uno Splash at Dave's house
That's not all, folks... click here, if you dare, for more photos from two very radical weddings.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Far Out
A: More that you think.
Sometimes we make fun of movies for being too ridiculous and far-fetched.... what about when real life is too weird to take seriously?
Introducing Charles Simonyi, former Microsoft employee, and ¨chief architect¨ of MS Word and Excel. Recently Charles paid over $20 million to ride shotgun on a Russion rocket to the International Space Station. That makes him Space Tourist #5, and the self-proclaimed First Nerd in Space. He spent almost two weeks in space, documenting his trip with blog entries, photos, and vidoes, on his website charlesinspace.com.
The Russian cosmonauts he rode up with have awesome names like Oleg Kotov and Fyodor Yurchikhin (pronounced exactly like ¨your chicken¨). In one video on the website, they are asked how Charles performed during the flight up. In an incredibly thick, almost cartoon-like Russian accent, Dr. Your-Chicken responded, ¨Yes, ov course Charlez iz not professional cosmonut…. but ve dunt hav anny problem vis Charles. For us he iz vun ov crew member.¨ (Translation: ¨we don´t have any problem...¨ he´s ¨one of crew member.¨) Classic. If it were in a movie, we´d complain it was too corny.
And the icing on the cake... in Kazakhstan on launch day to see Charles off was none other than Charles´s ¨good friend¨ Martha Stewart. There was talk that Charles might be proposing from space. Yeah. Very, very weird.
PS -- Don´t worry, I´m not done posting about Honduras yet. Check back soon...
Saturday, April 21, 2007
It´s a Small World After All
In the meantime, here are some more Little Things that caught my attention in the last few weeks…
There are some awesome metallic-looking beetles and wasps around here. Very cool.
This big moth practically smacked me in the face the other night while I was reading in bed… I was annoyed at it, until it landed and I realized how awesome it looked.
Not only did it have awesome colors (for a moth, I guess), but it didn’t fold its wings back like a normal moth…. it would just sit there with them flared in crazy directions.
Personally, I think it might be a mutant super-moth… I wonder if it’s an honorable crime fighter, or an evil monster dedicated to death and destruction….
This guy is definitely an evil monster dedicated to death and destruction.
Speaking of death and destruction..... This huge swath of army ants marched out of the jungle past the staff housing building the other day. They apparently were out for a day of pillaging and plundering, because that afternoon they came marching back past the building into the jungle, carrying lots of ants and ant eggs and various other dead bugs…. the spoils of victory.
These guys were pretty vicious… I stuck a blade of grass down at the line to see what would happen, and a couple of ants went completely nuts, biting and stinging the end of it… after that I was very careful as I stuck my camera inches away from them.
Apparently sometimes the huge swath of ants goes right through the staff housing building… there’s not a lot you can do when a thick line of thousands of ants come marching across the floor and up the wall. Just hide the food. And the babies… wouldn’t want them to get carried off.
I haven’t had a chance to figure out how to post a video right into the blog, but click here if you want to see a clip Jesse took of the sidewalk literally covered in a moving carpet of ants…
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Happy (Belated) Easter!
Anyhow, the local church I've been going to with the Harmons held a special "event" down on the beach during Semana Santa. Proper attire for church down here is long pants (for guys) and skirts (for girls), and we assumed that those rules applied for the special service as well. What we didn't realize was that the "service" was more of a church picnic.
So we showed up in our Sunday best...
... only to discover a rollicking....
...Honduran beach barbecue in progress.

We didn't exactly blend in. ;)
Despite being slightly over-dressed, we still had an awesome afternoon. I made sure to partake of the four basic F's: food, fun, fellowship, and Fotography.
Honduran worship, unplugged.

Steaks, anyone?
Monday, April 09, 2007
Living in Harmon-y
From the left: Patty 1 (Tom's wife), Patty 2 (Tom's mom), Tom, Jesse, Peter
... while Jesse and Peter get to spend a semester doing school in the jungle:
Tom plots his course... at one point water actually washed over the hood of the truck. Way cool.
Have burro, will travel.
Interestingly, there didn't seem to be any bamboo anywhere near the Bamboo Waterfall, nor have I seen any in Honduras. The nearest village was named El Bambu, though.... what's up with that? Crazy Hondurans.
We youngsters went for a dip... as you can see, this was before the tragic demise of the waterproof camera.
Sorry, ladies.... he's unavailable. ;)